CYBER HEAT MAP is exclusively available through our trusted consulting partners.

Quality control, Businessman showing cost with down arrow and quality with up arrow for business project management strategy have to control budget cost and improvement quality of product and service

Suggested Client Pricing

The suggested annual subscription costs for members is listed below. Partners may charge different prices, or they may only offer specific tiers, depending on the services they provide.

If you’re a higher education institution who wants to use CYBER HEAT MAP, contact our sister company, CampusCISO, or one of our other partners.


Single user license

Online cybersecurity capability assessment

Report showing prioritized improvement recommendations

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Single user license

All COMMUNITY features

Benchmarking and compliance analysis reports to understand your cybersecurity capabilities

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Collaborate with up to 100 users

All ESSENTIAL features

Enhanced capability assessment with staff skills inventory and training recommendations

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Make Smarter Plans with Data-Driven Insights

Schedule a free consultation and discover how CYBER HEAT MAP can streamline your cybersecurity planning.

Businessman using pen to writing circle mark on virtual calendar agenda of booking and appointment meeting concept.